Evangelism & Missions

It's easy to assume that missionaries are only those who go to foreign lands preaching the Gospel of Christ to people who've never heard it. Christ's command to "Go, therefore, and make disciples of all the nations" (Matt. 28:19) at first even seems to support this romanticized picture. The words "go" and "all the nations" immediately put us in a "somewhere other than here" attitude. It seems easier to get excited about witnessing for Christ when we imagine going to a place where nobody knows us.

While some people end up going to other countries, most of us stay at home, in our own, much smaller world. And that's OK. When Christ first sent the apostles to all the nations, Christianity was unique to a country only slightly bigger than the state of New Jersey. Today, Christianity can be found in nearly every corner of the globe, part of that due to foreign missions, of course; but much of it due to everyday Christians trying to live their everyday lives like Jesus.

Evangelism is less romantic than we'd like it to be. It requires not just talking about Jesus, but living like Him and treating other people the way He did. And it's not just aimed at strangers; it's a lot harder to tell your best friend or your grandma the truth of Christianity, but that's who most of us usually have to tell. Evangelism isn't a point system in which the person with the most converts wins (Christ has all the converts anyway), it's a holistic approach to faith that aims for the transformation of culture itself. This means the spread of the Gospel and Gospel principles through every avenue at our disposal, whether outright preaching of the Word, political involvement, science and art, or any other means available. It is the spread of the kingdom in the hearts and minds of people, as well as in the very fabric of human society.

Christ compared the kingdom of heaven to a mustard seed, saying that it began small but would eventually grow until birds came and landed in its branches (Matt. 13:31-32). Although the task of disciple-making is arduous and often seems entirely unproductive, Christ said, "All authority has been given to me in heaven and on earth" (Matt. 28:18). These are hopeful words, not in the sense of "I hope that happens," but in the sense of something definite we have to look forward to and remind ourselves of. Christ will not rest until all He has appointed are drawn into His fold. As His Church, to whom He gave the command to make disciples of all nations, we shouldn't either.

"For as the rain and snow come down from heaven and do not return there but water the earth, making it bring forth and sprout, giving seed to the sower and bread to the eater, so shall my word be that goes out from my mouth; it shall not return to me empty, but it shall accomplish that which I purpose, and shall succeed in the thing for which I sent it."
Isaiah 55:10,11
Review by C. Hollis Crossman
C. Hollis Crossman used to be a child. Now he's a husband and father who loves church, good food, and weird stuff. He might be a mythical creature, but he's definitely not a centaur. Read more of his reviews here.
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255 Items found Print
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from Baker Books
for 7th-Adult
in Evangelism & Missions (Location: XAP-EVA)
Abandoned on the Wild Frontier
Trailblazer Books
by Dave and Neta Jackson
from Bethany House
for 3rd-7th grade
in Trailblazer Books (Location: SER-TRAIL)
Abandoned on the Wild Frontier
Trailblazer Books
by Dave and Neta Jackson
from Castle Rock Creative
for 3rd-7th grade
in Trailblazer Books (Location: SER-TRAIL)
Against All Odds
by Jim Stier
from YWAM Publishing
for 7th-Adult
in International Adventures (Location: BIO-INTADV)
Alphabet Makers
by Hyatt Moore
from Wycliffe Bible Translators
for 8th-Adult
in History of Books & Language (Location: HISV-BOOK)
$5.00 (1 in stock)
Ambushed in Jaguar Swamp
Trailblazer Books
by Dave and Neta Jackson
from Bethany House
for 3rd-7th grade
in Trailblazer Books (Location: SER-TRAIL)
Ambushed in Jaguar Swamp
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by Dave and Neta Jackson
from Castle Rock Creative
for 3rd-7th grade
in Trailblazer Books (Location: SER-TRAIL)
American Indian Prayer Guide
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from Sonlight Curriculum, Ltd.
for 4th-7th grade
in Native American History (Location: HISA-19NAT)
$4.50 (3 in stock)
Asia: A Christian Perspective
by Mary Ann Lind
from YWAM Publishing
in Clearance: Christian Books (Location: XCLE)
$1.00 (1 in stock)
Assassins in the Cathedral
Trailblazer Books
by Dave and Neta Jackson
from Bethany House
for 3rd-7th grade
in Trailblazer Books (Location: SER-TRAIL)
Assassins in the Cathedral
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by Dave and Neta Jackson
from Castle Rock Creative
for 3rd-7th grade
in Trailblazer Books (Location: SER-TRAIL)
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from Canon Press
Biographies for Adult
in Evangelism & Missions (Location: XAP-EVA)
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by Sister Blandina Segale
4th Printing from Bruce Publishing Co.
for Adult
in Vintage History & Biographies (Location: VIN-HIS)
$5.00 (1 in stock)
Atlas of the Islamic World
by Francis Robinson
from Facts On File
for 9th-Adult
in Historical & Cultural Atlases (Location: HISRF-ATLAS)
$5.00 (1 in stock)
Attack in the Rye Grass
Trailblazer Series
by Dave and Neta Jackson
from Bethany House
for 3rd-7th grade
in Trailblazer Books (Location: SER-TRAIL)
Attack in the Rye Grass
Trailblazer Series
by Dave and Neta Jackson
from Castle Rock Creative
for 3rd-7th grade
in Trailblazer Books (Location: SER-TRAIL)
Bandit of Ashley Downs
TrailBlazer Book
by Dave & Neta Jackson
from Bethany House
for 3rd-7th grade
in Trailblazer Books (Location: SER-TRAIL)
$4.00 (3 in stock)
Bandit of Ashley Downs
TrailBlazer Book
by Dave & Neta Jackson
from Castle Rock Creative
for 3rd-7th grade
in Trailblazer Books (Location: SER-TRAIL)
Barefoot Book of Buddhist Tales
by Sherab Chodzin & Alexandra Kohn (retellers), illustrated by Marie Cameron
from Barefoot Books
for Kindergarten-3rd grade
in Picture Books (Location: PICTURE)
$7.50 (1 in stock)
Being the Body
by Charles Colson, Ellen Santilli Vaughn
First Edition from Word Publishing
for Adult
in Ecclesiology (Location: XTH-ECC)
$6.00 (2 in stock)
Betrayer's Fortune
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from Bethany House
for 3rd-7th grade
in Trailblazer Books (Location: SER-TRAIL)
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by Dave & Neta Jackson
from Castle Rock Creative
for 3rd-7th grade
in Trailblazer Books (Location: SER-TRAIL)
Bhagavad Gita
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Modern Reprint from Oxford University
for 10th-Adult
in Ancient Literature (Location: LIT1-ANC)
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Trailblazer Books
by Dave & Neta Jackson
from Bethany House
for 3rd-7th grade
in Trailblazer Books (Location: SER-TRAIL)
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by Dave & Neta Jackson
from Castle Rock Creative
for 3rd-7th grade
in Trailblazer Books (Location: SER-TRAIL)
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in Islam & Sharia Law (Location: XAP-ISL)
$4.00 (1 in stock)
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in Realistic Fiction (Location: FIC-REA)
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from Capstone Press
for 3rd-6th grade
in Biographies (Location: BIO)
$3.00 (1 in stock)
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from Houghton Mifflin
for 4th-6th grade
in Oversized History Books (Location: HISW-OVER)
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from P&R Publishing
for Adult
in Covenant Theology (Location: XTH-COV)
$4.00 (2 in stock)
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Biography for 3rd-6th grade
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$3.50 (2 in stock)
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for 3rd-7th grade
in Trailblazer Books (Location: SER-TRAIL)
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from Castle Rock Creative
for 3rd-7th grade
in Trailblazer Books (Location: SER-TRAIL)
Cell 58
International Adventures
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from YWAM Publishing
for 7th-Adult
in International Adventures (Location: BIO-INTADV)
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for 3rd-7th grade
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from Castle Rock Creative
for 3rd-7th grade
in Trailblazer Books (Location: SER-TRAIL)
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Christianity, Cults & Religions
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for 9th-Adult
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Christianity: A Very Short Introduction
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from Oxford University
for Adult
in World Religions, Cults and Sects (Location: XAP-WRCS)
$6.00 (1 in stock)
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for Adult
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from Random House
for 5th-9th grade
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from Bethany House
for 9th-Adult
in World Religions, Cults and Sects (Location: XAP-WRCS)
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for Adult
in World Religions, Cults and Sects (Location: XAP-WRCS)
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from Thomas Nelson Publishers
for 11th-Adult
in Christian Cults & Sects (Location: XAP-CCS)
Created to Flourish
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for 7th-12th grade
in Evangelism & Missions (Location: XAP-EVA)
$3.00 (1 in stock)
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from NavPress
for Adult
in Islam & Sharia Law (Location: XAP-ISL)
$5.00 (1 in stock)
Cry from the Streets
International Adventures
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from YWAM Publishing
for 7th-Adult
in International Adventures (Location: BIO-INTADV)
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Trailblazer Books
by Dave and Neta Jackson
from Bethany House
for 3rd-7th grade
in Trailblazer Books (Location: SER-TRAIL)
Danger on the Flying Trapeze
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by Dave and Neta Jackson
from Castle Rock Creative
for 3rd-7th grade
in Trailblazer Books (Location: SER-TRAIL)
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from YWAM Publishing
for 4th-7th grade
in Sacrificial Living (Location: XCL-SAC)
$9.99 $6.00 (2 in stock)
Davita's Harp
by Chaim Potok
Book Club Edition from Alfred A. Knopf, Inc.
in 20th & 21st Century Literature (Location: LIT7-20)
by Ethel Emily Wallis
from YWAM Publishing
for 7th-Adult
in International Adventures (Location: BIO-INTADV)
$14.99 $7.50 (2 in stock)
Defeat of the Ghost Riders
Trailblazer Books
by Dave Jackson, Neta Jackson
from Bethany House
for 3rd-7th grade
in Trailblazer Books (Location: SER-TRAIL)
Defeat of the Ghost Riders
Trailblazer Books
by Dave Jackson, Neta Jackson
from Castle Rock Creative
for 3rd-7th grade
in Trailblazer Books (Location: SER-TRAIL)
Dispatches From the Front
by Tim Keesee
from Crossway Books
for 10th-Adult
in Evangelism & Missions (Location: XAP-EVA)
$5.00 (1 in stock)
Doctor in Buckskin
by T. D. Allen
from Harper & Brothers
for 8th-Adult
in Vintage Fiction & Literature (Location: VIN-FIC)
$5.00 (1 in stock)
Dragon Tales
by Celia R. Brines
3rd edition from Pacific Press
for 3rd-6th grade
in Vintage History & Biographies (Location: VIN-HIS)
$10.00 (1 in stock)
Drawn by a China Moon
by Dave and Neta Jackson
from Bethany House
for 3rd-7th grade
in Trailblazer Books (Location: SER-TRAIL)
Drawn by a China Moon
by Dave and Neta Jackson
from Castle Rock Creative
for 3rd-7th grade
in Trailblazer Books (Location: SER-TRAIL)
Drummer Boy's Battle
TrailBlazer Books
by Dave & Neta Jackson
from Bethany House
for 3rd-7th grade
in Trailblazer Books (Location: SER-TRAIL)
Drummer Boy's Battle
TrailBlazer Books
by Dave & Neta Jackson
from Castle Rock Creative
for 3rd-7th grade
in Trailblazer Books (Location: SER-TRAIL)
Early Islam
Great Ages of Man
by Desmond Stewart
from Time-Life Books
for 9th-Adult
in Great Ages of Man (Location: ADU-HISGAM)
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by Keith E. Swartley, ed.
from Authentic Media
for Adult
in Clearance: Christian Books (Location: XCLE)
$8.00 (1 in stock)
by Mona Dunckel
from Bob Jones University Press
for 3rd-4th grade
in Realistic Fiction (Location: FIC-REA)
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TrailBlazer Books
from Bethany House
for 3rd-7th grade
in Trailblazer Books (Location: SER-TRAIL)
Escape from the Slave Traders
TrailBlazer Books
by Dave and Neta Jackson
from Castle Rock Creative
for 3rd-7th grade
in Trailblazer Books (Location: SER-TRAIL)
$8.99 $4.50 (1 in stock)
Europe: Restoring Hope
by Deborah Meroff
for Adult
in Evangelism & Missions (Location: XAP-EVA)
$6.00 (1 in stock)
Evangelism and the Sovereignty of God
by J. I. Packer
from InterVarsity Press
for 10th-Adult
in Evangelism & Missions (Location: XAP-EVA)
$4.00 (1 in stock)
Evangelism and the Sovereignty of God
by J. I. Packer
from InterVarsity Press
for 10th-Adult
in Evangelism & Missions (Location: XAP-EVA)
Exiled to the Red River
Trailblazer Books
by Dave and Neta Jackson
from Bethany House
for 3rd-7th grade
in Trailblazer Books (Location: SER-TRAIL)
Exiled to the Red River
Trailblazer Books
by Dave and Neta Jackson
from Castle Rock Creative
for 3rd-7th grade
in Trailblazer Books (Location: SER-TRAIL)
Experience Jesus Today
by Charles Singer
from Oregon Catholic Press
for 3rd-6th grade
in Bible Study & Reference for Kids (Location: BIBR-STU)
$3.00 (1 in stock)
Eyes on Jungle Doctor
Jungle Doctor #10
by Paul White
from Christian Focus Publications
for 3rd-6th grade
in Jungle Doctor (Location: SER-JD)
Faith Worth Sharing
by C. John Miller
from P&R Publishing
for Adult
in Clearance: Christian Books (Location: XCLE)
$2.00 (1 in stock)
Fate of the Yellow Woodbee
by Dave & Neta Jackson
from Bethany House
for 3rd-7th grade
in Trailblazer Books (Location: SER-TRAIL)
Fate of the Yellow Woodbee
by Dave & Neta Jackson
from Castle Rock Creative
for 3rd-7th grade
in Trailblazer Books (Location: SER-TRAIL)
Fight for Jerusalem
by Dore Gold
from Regnery Publishing, Inc.
for Adult
in History for Adults (Location: ADU-HIS)
$4.00 (1 in stock)
Five Pioneer Missionaries
by Various
from Banner of Truth Trust
Biography for 9th-Adult
in History of Missions (Location: XCH-MIS)
$13.00 $7.00 (1 in stock)
Flight of the Fugitives
Trailblazer Books
by Dave & Neta Jackson
from Bethany House
for 3rd-7th grade
in Trailblazer Books (Location: SER-TRAIL)
Flight of the Fugitives
Trailblazer Books
by Dave & Neta Jackson
from Castle Rock Creative
for 3rd-7th grade
in Trailblazer Books (Location: SER-TRAIL)
For the Life of the World
by Alexander Schmemann
from St. Vladimir's
for 11th-Adult
in Communion (Eucharist) (Location: XWO-SAC2)
Forty-Acre Swindle
TrailBlazer Books
by Dave & Neta Jackson
from Bethany House
for 3rd-7th grade
in Trailblazer Books (Location: SER-TRAIL)
Forty-Acre Swindle
TrailBlazer Books
by Dave & Neta Jackson
from Castle Rock Creative
for 3rd-7th grade
in Trailblazer Books (Location: SER-TRAIL)
From Jerusalem to Irian Jaya
by Ruth Tucker
2nd edition from Zondervan
History of missions for 11th-Adult
in History of Missions (Location: XCH-MIS)
From the Village to the Ends of the Earth
by Lisa Leidenfrost
from Canon Press
in Evangelism & Missions (Location: XAP-EVA)
Get Real
by John S. Leonard
1st edition from New Growth Press
for Adult
in Evangelism & Missions (Location: XAP-EVA)
Gnostic Empire Strikes Back
by Peter Jones
from P&R Publishing
for Adult
in Presuppositional Apologetics (Location: XAP-PRE)
God Makers
by Ed Decker & Dave Hunt
from Harvest House
for 10th-Adult
in World Religions, Cults and Sects (Location: XAP-WRCS)
$7.00 (1 in stock)
God Speaks Numanggang
by David Hazell
2021 Printing from My Father's World
for 2nd-4th grade
in My Father's World (Location: CUR-MFW)
$6.00 (2 in stock)
God Speaks Numanggang (old cover)
by David Hazell
from My Father's World
for 2nd-4th grade
in My Father's World (Location: CUR-MFW)
$4.50 $2.50 (3 in stock)
God-Centered Evangelism
by R. B. Kuiper
from Banner of Truth Trust
in Puritan Writings (Location: XCH-PUR)
Gold Miners' Rescue
Trailblazer Books
by Dave & Neta Jackson
from Bethany House
for 3rd-7th grade
in Trailblazer Books (Location: SER-TRAIL)
Gold Miners' Rescue
Trailblazer Books
by Dave & Neta Jackson
from Castle Rock Creative
for 3rd-7th grade
in Trailblazer Books (Location: SER-TRAIL)
Gospel Comes with a House Key
by Rosaria Butterfield
from Crossway Books
for 11th-Adult
in Hospitality (Location: SS-HOS)
$21.24 $7.20 (1 in stock)
Gospel Wakefulness
by Jared C. Wilson, foreword by Ray Ortlund
from Crossway Books
for Adult
in Practical Christian Living (Location: XCL-PRAC)
$10.00 (1 in stock)
Great for God
by David Shibley
from Master Books
for 7th-12th grade
in History of Missions (Location: XCH-MIS)
Greatness of the Great Commission
by Kenneth Gentry
for Adult
in Evangelism & Missions (Location: XAP-EVA)
$10.00 (1 in stock)