Encountering the World of Islam

Encountering the World of Islam

by Keith E. Swartley (Editor)
Publisher: Authentic Media
Trade Paperback, 618 pages
Current Retail Price: $39.99
Used Price: $8.00 (1 in stock) Condition Policy

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Encountering the World of Islam guides you on a journey into the lives of Muslims around the world and in your neighborhood. Through this comprehensive collection, you will learn about Muhammad and the history of Islam, gain insight into today's conflicts, and dispel western fears and myths. You will also discover the frustrations and desires of Muslims and learn how to pray for and befriend them. Encountering the World of Islam provides a positive, balanced, and biblical perspective on God's heart for Muslims and equips you to reach out to them in Christ's love. Encountering the World of Islam features articles from eighty authors who have lived throughout the Muslim world, from West Africa to Southeast Asia. Experienced missionaries, scholars of Islam, and other well-known authors, including several Muslims, contribute to this extensive ministry resource.

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