Scout of Christiaan de Wet

Scout of Christiaan de Wet

The Louis Wessels Commando #3
by Lawrence Penning
Trade Paperback, 136 pages
List Price: $11.95 Sale Price: $10.16

Historical Setting: The Boer War

It is the year 1900 and the Boer War continues to ravage the South African Free State and Transvaal. The English are relentless in their attacks and pernicious in seeking to achieve political power. But the Afrikaners refuse to submit and continue the struggle to maintain their freedom.

Louis Wessels, the young hunter, and the Dutchman Jan Tromp, despite skirting danger, falling into traps, confronting traitors, hiding and escaping, slowly achieve their mission as they transverse the Transvaal as scouts for General Christiaan de Wet.

Yet when they are finally trapped with no seeming escape, they meet an old acquaintance.

Even though these dedicated Afrikaners are surrounded by the horrors and ravages of war there is time for laughter at Blikoortje's exploits, and time to receive encouragement from loved ones.

Still the cry continues to rise to heaven, "How many people will still have to give their lives to restore freedom to South Africa? Will freedom truly be achieved?"

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