Lion of Modderspruit

Lion of Modderspruit

The Louis Wessels Commando #1
by Lawrence Penning
Trade Paperback, 142 pages
List Price: $10.95 Sale Price: $9.31

Historical Setting: The Boer War

A wonderful historical novel in which Penning has interwoven love, pathos, and loyalty. The conflict the Boers endure with England involves not only a fight to maintain their independence (to which the British agreed in 1881) but also a deep religious significance. Louis Wessels, eldest son of a well-established Transvaal Boer family, is betrothed to Truida, a Boer maiden living in the British colony of Natal, and educated in British-governed schools. When England sends over thousands of troops to invade the independent Boer colony of the Orange Free State, causing the Boers of the Transvaal Colony to prepare to invade Natal, the two lovers are confronted by more than a political conflict—two loyal hearts separated by loyalty to conflicting causes. The horrors of the war drag both Louis and Truida through heights of joy and depths of despair. How can these two hearts, beating strongly for each other but also strongly for their separate causes, ever be reconciled? On which side is justice to be found?

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  Might Be Too Difficult For Youngest Readers
Johan of OH, 2/10/2011
My dad always liked the books and I never was interested in them, but bought one recently anyway to see if it would be something for my daughter who was 7 at that time. The story is nice, historical, plays in South Africa, has some romance in it, but to me it would be uninteresting for my 7 year old (who reads -devours!- a lot of books). I think it might be better for early teens or so...; The story is detailed, but a bit slow, very patriotic for the Boers (against English) and it shows the feelings that a Boer young man and an English young lady have for each other. Nothing modern, all very appropriate, but might be boring to a "young" child who wants to read interesting stories.