Progeny Press Interactive CDs

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The Progeny Press Interactive CDs are essentially entire guides in PDF form on CD-ROMs. This is a nifty option if you're a teacher and will be making numerous copies for students. It's also handy if you have a student who likes to work on a computer—the PDFs aren't static but the blanks can actually be filled in on a computer keyboard.

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33 Items found Print
Beowulf - Study Guide CD
by Michael Poteet
from Progeny Press
for 9th-12th grade
in Progeny Press Interactive CDs (Location: LITSG-PPCD)
Bridge to Terabithia - Study Guide CD
Progeny Press Literature Guides
by Rebecca Gilleland
from Progeny Press
Literature Guide for 6th-8th grade
in Progeny Press Interactive CDs (Location: LITSG-PPCD)
Fahrenheit 451 - Study Guide CD
Progeny Press Literature Guides
by Michael Poteet
from Progeny Press
Literature Guide for 10th-12th grade
in Progeny Press Interactive CDs (Location: LITSG-PPCD)
Frankenstein - Study Guide CD
Progeny Press Literature Guides
by Calvin Roso & Andrew Clausen
from Progeny Press
Literature Guide for 9th-12th grade
in Progeny Press Interactive CDs (Location: LITSG-PPCD)
Giver - Study Guide CD
Progeny Press Literature Guides
by Andrew Clausen
from Progeny Press
Literature Guide for 7th-9th grade
in Progeny Press Interactive CDs (Location: LITSG-PPCD)
Golden Goblet - Study Guide CD
by Carol Clark
from Progeny Press
for 7th-9th grade
in Progeny Press Interactive CDs (Location: LITSG-PPCD)
Great Gatsby - Study Guide CD
Progeny Press Literature Guides
by Calvin Roso
from Progeny Press
Literature Guide for 9th-12th grade
in Progeny Press Interactive CDs (Location: LITSG-PPCD)
Hamlet - Study Guide CD
Progeny Press Literature Guides
by Bethine Ellie
from Progeny Press
Literature Guide for 9th-12th grade
in Progeny Press Interactive CDs (Location: LITSG-PPCD)
Hobbit - Study Guide CD
Progeny Press Literature Guides
by Michael Poteet
from Progeny Press
Literature Guide for 8th-12th grade
in Progeny Press Interactive CDs (Location: LITSG-PPCD)
Holes - Study Guide CD
Progeny Press Literature Guides
by Andrew Clausen
from Progeny Press
Literature Guide for 6th-8th grade
in Progeny Press Interactive CDs (Location: LITSG-PPCD)
$10.00 (1 in stock)
Indian in the Cupboard - Study Guide CD
Progeny Press Literature Guides
by Andrew Clausen
from Progeny Press
Literature Guide for 5th-8th grade
in Progeny Press Interactive CDs (Location: LITSG-PPCD)
Jane Eyre - Guide CD
Progeny Press Literature Guides
by Jill M. Wilson
from Progeny Press
Literature Guide for 9th-12th grade
in Progeny Press Interactive CDs (Location: LITSG-PPCD)
$10.00 (1 in stock)
Julius Caesar - Guide CD
Progeny Press Literature Guides
by Michael Gilleland
from Progeny Press
Literature Guide for 9th-12th grade
in Progeny Press Interactive CDs (Location: LITSG-PPCD)
Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe - Guide CD
Progeny Press Literature Guides
by Andrew Clausen
from Progeny Press
Literature Guide for 4th-7th grade
in Progeny Press Interactive CDs (Location: LITSG-PPCD)
$10.00 (1 in stock)
Lord of the Flies - Guide CD
Progeny Press Literature Guides
by Michael Gilleland & Calvin Roso
from Progeny Press
for 11th-12th grade
in Progeny Press Interactive CDs (Location: LITSG-PPCD)
Lord of the Rings: Return of the King - Guide CD
Progeny Press Literature Guides
by Michael Poteet
from Progeny Press
Literature Guide for 9th-12th grade
in Progeny Press Interactive CDs (Location: LITSG-PPCD)
Lord of the Rings: Two Towers - Guide CD
by Michael Poteet
from Progeny Press
Literature Guide for 9th-12th grade
in Progeny Press Interactive CDs (Location: LITSG-PPCD)
Macbeth - Guide CD
Progeny Press Literature Guides
by Rebecca Gilleland
from Progeny Press
Literature Guide for 9th-12th grade
in Progeny Press Interactive CDs (Location: LITSG-PPCD)
Maniac Magee - Guide CD
Progeny Press Literature Guides
by Andrew Clausen
from Progeny Press
Literature Guide for 5th-7th grade
in Progeny Press Interactive CDs (Location: LITSG-PPCD)
Merchant of Venice - Guide CD
Progeny Press Literature Guides
by Bethine Ellie
from Progeny Press
Literature Guide for 9th-12th grade
in Progeny Press Interactive CDs (Location: LITSG-PPCD)
$14.00 $10.00 (1 in stock)
Number the Stars - Guide CD
Progeny Press Literature Guides
by Lisa Leep
from Progeny Press
for 5th-7th grade
in Progeny Press Interactive CDs (Location: LITSG-PPCD)
Old Man and the Sea - Progeny Press Study Guide CD
Progeny Press Literature Guides
by Calvin Roso
from Progeny Press
Literature Resource for 9th-12th grade
in Progeny Press Interactive CDs (Location: LITSG-PPCD)
Pride and Prejudice - Study Guide CD
by Tiffany A. H. Colonna
from Progeny Press
for 9th-12th grade
in Progeny Press Interactive CDs (Location: LITSG-PPCD)
Red Badge of Courage - Progeny Press Study Guide CD
Progeny Press Literature Guides
by Gregory Power
from Progeny Press
Literature Guide for 9th-12th grade
in Progeny Press Interactive CDs (Location: LITSG-PPCD)
$10.00 (1 in stock)
Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry - Guide CD
Progeny Press Literature Guides
by Calvin Roso
from Progeny Press
Literature Guide for 6th-8th grade
in Progeny Press Interactive CDs (Location: LITSG-PPCD)
Romeo and Juliet - Guide CD
Progeny Press Literature Guides
by Bethine Ellie
from Progeny Press
Literature Guide for 9th-12th grade
in Progeny Press Interactive CDs (Location: LITSG-PPCD)
Secret Garden - Guide CD
Progeny Press Literature Guides
by Bethine Ellie
from Progeny Press
Literature Guide for 6th-8th grade
in Progeny Press Interactive CDs (Location: LITSG-PPCD)
Shadow Spinner - Guide CD
Progeny Press Literature Guides
by Virginia Zeller
from Progeny Press
for 5th-8th grade
in Progeny Press Interactive CDs (Location: LITSG-PPCD)
Sign of the Beaver - Guide CD
Progeny Press Literature Guides
by Lisa Leep
from Progeny Press
for 5th-7th grade
in Progeny Press Interactive CDs (Location: LITSG-PPCD)
Things Fall Apart - Guide CD
Progeny Press Literature Guides
by Brenda S. Cox
from Progeny Press
for 10th-12th grade
in Progeny Press Interactive CDs (Location: LITSG-PPCD)
Where the Red Fern Grows - Guide CD
Progeny Press Literature Guides
by Calvin Roso
from Progeny Press
Literature Guide for 5th-7th grade
in Progeny Press Interactive CDs (Location: LITSG-PPCD)
$16.14 $7.00 (1 in stock)
Wrinkle in Time - Guide CD
Progeny Press Literature Guides
by Teri Shagoury
from Progeny Press
Fantasy for 6th-8th grade
in Progeny Press Interactive CDs (Location: LITSG-PPCD)
Yearling - Guide CD
Progeny Press Literature Guides
by Andrew Clausen
from Progeny Press
Literature Guide for 9th-12th grade
in Progeny Press Interactive CDs (Location: LITSG-PPCD)