One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish

One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish

by Dr. Seuss
Publisher: Random House
Hardcover, 62 pages
List Price: $9.99 Sale Price: $8.49
Used Price: $3.60 (3 in stock) Condition Policy

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“From there to here, from here to there, funny things are everywhere” . . . So begins this classic Beginner Book by Dr. Seuss. Beginning with just five fish and continuing into flights of fancy, One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish celebrates how much fun imagination can be. From the can-opening Zans to the boxing Gox to the winking Yink who drinks pink ink, the silly rhymes and colorful cast of characters create an entertaining approach to reading that will have every child giggling from morning to night: “Today is gone. Today was fun. Tomorrow is another one.”


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  Really, Really Funny
Logan Allen of Vancouver, 7/16/2016
The part I remember the best is when all the little yellow Zeds have to get their one hair cut every single day. I took me a long time to read this book, but I think I would read it again.
  Classic Pet Book for Kids
Sincerelyornot of Oregon, 10/24/2011
Awww, the pet version of Dr. Seuss. My favorite pet on display was the little short baby cuties with one hair that grew every day. What's really nice about Dr Seuss is, kids you babysit ask to read it again and again. And eventually you memorize it so y'all can "read" in the dark when you're really tired at night!

"Some are big,
Some are tall
Some are fat
Some are small"