Little Men

Little Men

Illustrated Junior Library Series 2
by Louisa May Alcott, Douglas Gorsline (Illustrator)
Publisher: Grosset & Dunlap
©1947, Item: 77524
Hardcover, 372 pages
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Everyone who has read Little Women and followed the careers of the lovable March family will want to continue their experiences in this later book which chronicles the adventures of the children of Jo and Meg.

Jo and her husband, Professor Bhaer, establish the kind of school at Plum- field that boys and girls must frequently dream of. Under their hospitable roof, the Bhaer children, the twins Demi and Daisy, Nat Blake and a host of other boys—some more difficult than others—learn to live together happily and to study their lessons in the atmosphere of a home overflowing with love and understanding.

There are minor scrapes and occasional trouble, but Mother Bhaer's friendly influence is largely responsible for turning out a group of boys that anyone would be proud to know.

Delightfully illustrated in color and black and white exclusively for THE ILLUSTRATED JUNIOR LIBRARY.

from the dust jacket

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