Howard Simon

5 Items found
Abe Lincoln's Other Mother
by Bernadine Bailey, illustrated by Howard Simon
from Responsive Environments Corp.
for 5th-8th grade
in Vintage History & Biographies (Location: VIN-HIS)
Days of the Week
by William R. Keyser; illustrated by Howard Simon
from Harvey House, Inc., Publishers
for 3rd-5th grade
in Vintage Picture Books (Location: VIN-PIC)
If You Were an Eel, How Would You Feel?
from Follett Publishing Co.
for Nursery-2nd grade
in Vintage Picture Books (Location: VIN-PIC)
Lighthouses of America
by Mina Lewiton, Illustrated by Howard Simon
from E.M. Hale and Company
for 4th-7th grade
in Nautical History (Location: VIN-NAUT)
$12.50 (1 in stock)
Little Igloo
by Lorraine and Jerrold Beim, illustrated by Howard Simon
from Harcourt, Brace & Company
for Preschool-2nd grade
in Vintage Picture Books (Location: VIN-PIC)
$4.00 (1 in stock)