Happy Birthday Egg

Happy Birthday Egg

by David Cornell DeJong, Harvey Weiss (Illustrator)
1st Edition, ©1962, Item: 91100
Library Binding, 53 pages
Used Price: $9.60 (1 in stock) Condition Policy

David and his cat Alexander had never seen anything like it. There at David's bedroom window was a head. Before David and Alexander could take another look, the head was gone and there was nothing to see but some strange, big footprints in the garden beneath the window.

So David set off to ask advice of his friends, Mrs. Twill the baby sitter, Jack and Joe at the service station, Mr. Bim the tailor, and Sam the secondhand man. They all had different ideas about the strange head. Mrs. Twill was sure it belonged to a dragon. But it was Alexander who solved the mystery. and found a present for Grandmother's birthday.

Here in another easy-to-read adventure about David and Alexander are the same merry people who made THE HAPPY BIRTH DAY UMBRELLA Such fun for beginning readers. Harvey Weiss has again added to the fun with his bright, clever pictures.

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