Writing Strands Level 3

Writing Strands Level 3

by Dave Marks
Consumable Workbook, 80 pages
List Price: $20.00 Our Price: $9.00
Used Price: $6.00 (4 in stock) Condition Policy

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Designed for students aged 8 to 12, or for those who have finished Writing Strands 2, this book is designed to give beginning writers experience in narration and description, organizing thoughts so that they can be understood easily by others. It has been used successfully even in tenth grade for students needing special help.

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  Writing Strands Level 3
Albanyaloe of South Africa, 5/26/2013
This light hearted approach to writing has changed not only the quality of my son's writing, but also his attitude toward writing. Writing lessons were like squeezing blood out of a stone some days, just to get a few words on paper. It was as if he froze, using the methods in other curricula. Writing Strands has gently led my son to a place where he is not afraid anymore to write and he writes well. Whilst the book may seem a little odd at first glance, my son loved it. He enjoyed that the author talked to him. The lessons started gently, and became a bit more difficult, but differed in intensity, so that the children get exposure to different types of writing.

If you have tried other writing curriculum and found that they crushed, rather than gave wings to your child's writing, perhaps it is time for a change. Do not give up on your child, please. Give them some encouragement, in the form of this book.

We're doing the next level now and I am happy to say that we're still satisfied with WS, and my son actually says he's "a writer"