World Geography in Christian Perspective

World Geography in Christian Perspective

Publisher: A Beka Books
2nd Edition, ©2011, Publisher Catalog #167797
Softcover Textbook, 293 pages
Current Retail Price: $44.50
Used Price: $27.00 (4 in stock) Condition Policy

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World Geography presents a physical-cultural study of the earth and mankind from a conservative Christian perspective. Basic to this perspective is the conviction that God is the Creator of the earth and of man. By applying to the study of geography their knowledge of the Creation, the Flood, the beginning of nations at Babel, and God's dealing with mankind throughout the ages, students can better understand the physical features of the earth as well as the cultures of its people.

World Geography recognizes and discusses the national identities of individual countries. Building of what students have previously learned, this text presents a deeper, more thorough study of the religions, languages, customs, historic backgrounds, resources, and industries to expand the students' knowledge of each continent, region, and country presented.

Used for one semester. Includes colorful photographs and easy-to-read maps and charts.

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