Wonderful Flight to the Mushroom Planet

Wonderful Flight to the Mushroom Planet

Mushroom Planet #1
by Eleanor Cameron
1st Edition, ©1988, ISBN: 9780316125406
Trade Paperback, 226 pages
Price: $7.99
Customer Reviews
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  The Wonderful Flight to the Mushroom Planet
Ruthi of Oregon, 8/31/2016
Chuck and David went to the mushroom planet to save the mushroom people. They went in space in their rocketship. The mushroom people were sick and had to have sulphur. So, the boys left Mrs. Penny Feather and her eggs and the mushroom people were never sick again.
  An Alien Adventure
Crystal, 8/25/2016
This book was cool because it was such a fantastic adventure. I also liked the mystery of the story. I was a little amazed that the two boys built a rocket ship when they were so young, even though they were older then I am now. I recommend this book to people who enjoy space stories and aliens.
  The Wonderful Flight to the Mushroom Planet
Lauren of Salem, OR, 8/25/2016
This book is about two boys, David and Chuck, and their flight to an invisible planet near the earth. Instructed by Mr. Bass, an odd mushroomy man, the boys make the trip to what Mr. Bass is convinced is his home planet to aid the people who live there. But with only two hours to spend on the planet, and a baffling mystery to solve for the Mushroom People, the two friends definitely have their work cut out for them. Filled with much imagination, this book is a must read!