With Pipe, Paddle and Song

With Pipe, Paddle and Song

A Story of the French-Canadian Voyageurs

Bethlehem Books Young Adult Bookshelf
by Elizabeth Yates
Publisher: Bethlehem Books
2nd Edition, ©1998, ISBN: 9781883937379
Trade Paperback, 256 pages
List Price: $23.95 Sale Price: $20.36
Used Price: $9.60 (2 in stock) Condition Policy

Historical Setting: Canada, 1750 A. D.

Guillaume waited until Benedict Beaulieu, clerk-agent of La Compagnie Pelleterie, had finished one of his notations; then he made his presence known. "Bonjour, Monsieur."

Benedict looked up at him. "Who are you and what do you want?"

Guillaume smiled. Dare the most or lose all, he told himself. Speaking more loudly than was called for, to give him confidence, he said: "Me? I am a voyageur! I would go to the pays d'en haut when the canoes go." He hold his breath, hoping the agent would believe what he had yet to prove.

Son of a French nobleman and a Chippewa Indian woman, sixteen-year-old Guillaume is determined to make his own way into the world. Signing up with a rough and ready crew of voyageurs, he starts on a perilous journey into the wilds of Canada. Elizabeth Yates skillfully weaves history and adventure in this authentic tale of New France.

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