From the Introduction:
No other continent on earth has so many different kinds of Wild Animals as has Africa. Within the memory of men now living, there were not only many, many different kinds, but most of the different kinds were plentiful. In fact, some were so plentiful that they could be seen on the broad plains in droves like cattle. Even those which were less prolific were seen in large numbers.
Wild Animals have their pleasures and sorrows even as humans do. They play games, have families which they love, travel, get angry, store up food, are curious about things they see, and like to show off. They are kind or unkind to their neighbors. Some, I am sorry to say, are so much like human beings that they steal and murder. In fact, if we become well enough acquainted with the Wild Animals, we shall find about every trait, good and bad, that mankind displays. But you will never see any one group of Wild Creatures that has all the good and bad characteristics that are found in the human family. One species of Wild Animals will exhibit one or more traits. Another species will be best known by some other trait or traits. But the human race has all of them.
In this book we have tried to show you some of these characteristics among Wild Animals and how they affect their relationship to each other. And, further, we have tried to give you a peek into their daily lives. We hope it will give you a desire to know more about the Wild Creatures, and that in the future you will study them not merely as things that wear fur or feathers, but as real personalities.
We regret that we have space to mention but comparatively few of the Wild Animals of Africa. We trust that the others will not feel slighted, for every one of them is worthy of our acquaintance. We hope that you will eventually know all of them.
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