What in the World's Going on Here? Part 3 - CD

What in the World's Going on Here? Part 3 - CD

A Chronological Overview from Napoleon to Korea

by Diana Waring
Audio CD
Current Retail Price: $24.95
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A Judeo-Christian Primer of World History, newly revised and expanded!

The Chance

No century has seen historical information so accessible. Internet has allowed millions of people internationally to share stories and discoveries in every language. Scientific advancements have made better research possible. Yet never has society been so unlearned.

The Choice

The international conflicts of the new millennium have affected families on every continent. Resolution may only come through wisdom—deeply understanding the relationships between these nations and peoples and past mistakes that have fueled unrest—and honoring their unique cultures by learning their stories.

The Opportunity

It begins with you. In this four-disc audio adventure, Diana Waring invites you to uncover t he secrets of charismatic world leaders who gave birth to scientific advancement, religious freedom and racial reconciliation, as well as those who fostered tyrannical ideologies, atomic warfare and genocide. Witness the miraculous events of history as God directs men and nations toward their destiny in Jesus Christ.

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