"More couples than I can number have been surprised that their marriage needs the regular rescue of grace. And because they did not take the Bible seriously, they were caught short in that moment, when the rubber meets the road in daily life, where grace was their only hope...
"So, when you are sinned against or when the fallen world breaks your door down, don't lash out or run away. Stand in your weakness and confusion and say, 'I am not alone. God is with me, and He is faithful, powerful, and willing.' You can be realistic and hopeful at the very same time. Realistic expectations are not about hope without honesty, and they are not about honesty without hope. Realism is found at the intersection of unabashed honesty and uncompromising hope. God's word and God's grace make both possible in your marriage.
"Are your expectations for your marriage realistic?"—from Chapter 1
"At once deeply theological and practically relevant, this is one of the top books on marriage I have ever read. Paul Tripp allows readers to examine marriage through a biblical lens so that we understand how God can graciously heal our hurting homes. As a pastor, I will implore our people to read this book as soon as it is available."
—Chris Brauns, author, Unpacking Forgiveness
"What I've come to expect from Paul Tripp is consistently deep, transparent, biblical, wise, practical, gospel-driven counsel. Rather than muddying the water with self-focused strategies designed to meet our ever-multiplying needs, Paul, as the seasoned soul-physician he is, correctly diagnoses our problems and provides the cure—humble faith in Jesus Christ. I wasn't disappointed. You won't be either."
—Elyse M. Fitzpatrick, author, Because He Loves Me and Comforts from the Cross
Table of Contents
What Did You Expect?
Reason to Continue
Whose Kingdom?
Day by Day
Commitment 1: We will give ourselves to a regular lifestyle of confession and forgiveness.
Coming Clean: Confession
Canceling Debts
Commitment 2: We will make growth and change our daily agenda.
Pulling Weeds
Planting Seeds
Commitment 3: We will work together to build a sturdy bond of trust.
Sticking Out Your Neck
Someone to Be Trusted
Commitment 4: We will commit to building a relationship of love.
All You Need Is Love
Ready, Willing, and Waiting
Commitment 5: We will deal with our differences with appreciation and grace.
Amazing Grace
Before Dark
Commitment 6: We will work to protect our marriage.
Eyes Wide Open
On Your Knees
Worship, Work, and Grace
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