Welfare State

Welfare State


A Basic History of the United States Volume 5
by Clarence B. Carson
Trade Paperback, 325 pages
List Price: $19.00 Sale Price: $17.10

Historical Setting: United States, 1929-1985 A. D.

See series description for full review.

This volume commences with the Great Depression and takes us into the mid-eighties. As the author of Basic Economics, Clarence B. Carson is well-suited to diagnose the causes of the stock market crash and the years of economic depression that followed, and his analysis is both logical and easy to grasp.

Further discussions of other topics are equally engaging, including the New Deal, Social Security, World War II, the Cold War, the Warren Court, the Cultural Revolution, Vietnam, the rise of the Conservative movement, Nixon and Watergate, the Carter presidency, and the start of the Reagan years.

Chapter excerpts are posted with permission of Boundary Stone, now handling publishing and distribution for all of Clarence Carson’s books.

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