When Rob Gordon and Sary Williams drove their wagon into Boston on the afternoon of April 17, 1775, they had no idea that both of them were going to be caught up in one of the most exciting events in American history.
It started when Rob overheard a British plot to send a military expedition to capture the Rebel stores of ammunition at Lexington and Concord. The Redcoats caught him eavesdropping, and he had to fight his way out—with the help of a poker—to get the word to Paul Revere.
When the British marched the next night, Paul Revere rode ahead of them to alarm the countryside. Rob joined Paul Revere at Lexington. And later, when that famous messenger was captured by a British patrol, Rob kept bravely on the road to Concord.
Sary was at the brief and tragic battle of Lexington Green, and afterwards helped to care for the American wounded.
In Concord, Rob took part in the famous charge of the Minute Men that routed the Redcoats at the bridge, and then harassed the beaten British army all the way back to the temporary safety of Boston—and touched off the fuse that exploded into the War for American Independence.
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