Watt Got You Started, Mr. Fulton?

Watt Got You Started, Mr. Fulton?

A Story of James Watt and Robert Fulton

by Robert M. Quackenbush
Publisher: Prentice Hall
Library Rebind, 32 pages
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Yes, it's true! James Watt, the inventor of the first practical steam engine, did get Robert Fulton started on building the first successful steamboat. It was a Watt engine that Fulton installed on the Clermont, his mighty steamboat that paddled its way up the Hudson River on a historic voyage in 1807 and brought transportation by water into the modern age.

The double story of how Watt invented his steam engine and how Fulton developed his steamboat is told in a lively, humorous manner by Robert Quackenbush and is illustrated with his delightful cartoon drawings. This fresh, new approach to the lives and achievements of two great men will both teach and amuse young readers.

—from the dust jacket

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