Victory Drill Book

Victory Drill Book

by Andrea Carstensen, Deborah Masin
Publisher: Victory Drill Book
3rd Edition, ©2009, ISBN: 9781607023197
Hardcover, 72 pages
Price: $21.95

Educators worldwide acknowledge that the greatest key to a child’s success in education is reading–smooth, skillful, proficient skills in reading rapidly and understanding what is read.

The key to the Victory Drill Book’s effectiveness is that lists of words are strategically grouped together by phonetic sounds. The student reads the lists of words while being timed. As the sounds are mastered, students become progressively better prepared for paragraph reading, working toward an eighth-grade reading level. In the process, the emphasis on speed enhances the transition from “sounding out” to efficient reading.  Phonics lists and spelling rules are in the front of the book and the rest is devoted to the word lists that are the heart of the program.

First published in 1970, the book has been revised a couple of times, in 2009 and 2021. There have been a few significant changes, reordering the order in which sounds are introduced and introducing new stories with decodable titles. The word lists are mostly the same, with word order tweaks here and there. The original edition includes rules in the back of the book, while here they are added to the beginning, and things like the "schwa" sound for spelling are included. The 2009 revision removed the following speed guidelines for page mastery, but the 2021 introduces new guidelines.

Minimum Speeds for Page Mastery:

1970 Edition 2021 Edition
Pre-K - 20 words per minute  
K - 30 words per minute K - 25 words per minute
Grade 1 - 40 words per minute Grade 1 - 35 words per minute
Grade 2 - 55 words per minute Grade 2 - 45 words per minute
Grade 3 - 70 words per minute Grade 3 - 55 words per minute
Grade 4 - 85 words per minute Grade 4 - 65 words per minute
Grade 5 - 100 words per minute Grade 5 - 75 words per minute
Grade 6 - 115 words per minute Grade 6 and above - 100 words per minute
Grade 7 - 130 words per minute  
Grade 8 - 130 words per minute  

The Victory Drill Book offers an immediate edge in developing those life-shaping skills by providing a systematic approach to high speed phonetic reading. Designed for either a total-class or individualized approach, the Victory Drill Book is as effective in a home-school setting as in a structured classroom, producing outcomes that will help ensure students’ ongoing success in every other segment of their education.



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