Veritas Press Old Testament & Ancient Egypt - Set

Veritas Press Old Testament & Ancient Egypt - Set

by Marlin Detweiler, Laurie Detweiler
Publisher: Veritas Press
©1998, Item: 2802
Curriculum Bundle
List Price: $77.00 Our Price: $77.00

In our early exposure to teaching ancient history to grammar school students it became apparent to us that most children believed that biblically recorded events occurred before non-biblically recorded events. Few students understand the simultaneous nature of pyramid building in Egypt and God raising up a people to serve and worship him through Abraham.

Furthermore, in most modern grammar schools, children spend most of their time studying American history and hardly any studying earlier times. To spend so much time studying to little of a time period seems tragic. It also tends to rip the study of one period out of context.

Have you considered the difficulty of studying the puritan settlements of New England without an understanding of the Reformation And how do you understand the Reformation without studying Huss, Wycliffe, Augustine, etc. This pealing back only stops when you get to the beginning creation.

This home teacher manual and accompanying history flashcards and CD is intended to be the first in a five series program to teach children the tremendous way that the God of the Bible has been at work throughout all of history redeeming His people. The worksheets, tests, projects, and literature units provided here are intended to make the job of teaching easier. However, don't think of this as a rigid format. The best teachers will always adapt the material to the needs of the student. Be encouraged to do so.

May your efforts contribute significantly to the raising of a godly generation.

This Kit Includes:

Recommended Resources:

Priority 1 Resources: # Used:
Cultural Atlas of Ancient Egypt
Journey Through the Bible
Kingfisher History Encyclopedia
Pharaohs of Ancient Egypt
Streams of Civilization: Volume 1
Student Bible Atlas
Usborne Time Traveler
Tut's Mummy . . . Lost and Found
Priority 2 Resources:
Abingdon's Reproducible Old and New testament Maps
Art of Ancient Egypt
Bible, New King James Version
Eyewitness Books: Ancient Egypt
Eyewitness Books: Pyramid
Great Pyramid
Greenleaf Guide to Old testament History
Usborne Illustrated World History: Early Civilizations
Priority 3 Resources:
Children's Illustrated Bible
Greenleaf Guide to Ancient Egypt
Mummies, Tombs & Treasures

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