With Omnibus I, your students are introduced to the thoughts, ideas, and great works of the Ancient World. From the Beginning to A.D. 70, the Primary book list for Omnibus I includes ‘great books’ (classics that have hugely influenced and shaped our world) like the Odyssey, the Aeneid, the Last Days of Socrates, Epic of Gilgamesh, and Plutarch’s Lives. The secondary book list consists of books like the Chronicles of Narnia, Peter Kreeft's the Best Things in Life, and R.C. Sproul's Chosen By God that compliment and draw out the ideas discussed in the Primary books. Several books of the Bible, such as 1 & 2 Kings and Luke are included in the reading list. For each book, there is an introductory essay explaining the background and basic ideas of the book. This is followed by daily sessions the student can work thorough, consisting of questions, activities, and assignments that help the student learn to understand and communicate ideas thoroughly, eloquently, and from a solid Christian worldview.
Omnibus I is designed for students in 7th grade, though because of its rigorous nature, it can easily be used with older students. Omnibus follows the Classical method of the three levels, and Omnibus I begins the Logic (understanding the ‘why‘ of history) level. Omnibus assumes that your students have already had a Grammar-level education in factual history, but if you need a little brushing up, Western Civilization by Jackson Spielvogel is recommended to supplement your studies, though Streams of Civilization 1 and 2 would be adequate as well. Parents should be aware that this curriculum jumps right into mature issues like sex, violence, and introduces the student to false philosophies and religions. Though these issues are ones that need to be worked through, you may decide your child is not at a mature enough level to deal with these themes yet.
As you flip through the material and look at the book list, you may be surprised by the content, taken aback by the level of difficulty, startled by the books your student is going to read. But ask yourself this: is the world your students will have to face any less startling and surprising? Omnibus is a vigorous course, but it’s worth it, and it’s the challenge that makes it great. Let Omnibus I help your student understand and analyze the ancient world in a way that will prepare him for the years ahead.
Omnibus I includes a chapter on The Twelve Caesars by Suetonius; students read the complete text along with commentary by Brent Harken, and complete extensive written exercises. The version used was translated by Robert Graves and edited by James B. Rives; Rives softened some of the more graphic content. Even so, it's still graphic content—chapters on Caligula, Nero, and Domitian include descriptions of bestiality, pedophilia, incest, and more. While Harken is clear that this is wicked behavior, having 7th graders read content like this (The Twelve Caesars is one of the primary texts for year-one second-semester) seems to us inadvisable, at least in many cases. Also, Harken's interpretation of the text is a bit odd. Proceed with caution, and if necessary skip this text altogether.
Book Excerpts:
Sample from Omnibus I: Genesis
Sample from Omnibus I: Genesis TE
Note About Booklist:
The booklist below consists of the editions recomended by Veritas Press, though different (often cheaper) editions of these books are available. See individual titles for links to these and also free online versions.
Table of Contents:
Omnibus guide authors:
Primary Books—First Semester |
Stuart W. Bryan
Peter Leithart
Ben Merkle
William Dawson
Peter Leithart
Peter Leithart
Doug Wilson
N. D. Wilson
Michael Metzler/Toby Sumpter
William C. Michael |
Primary Books—Second Semester |
G. Tyler Fischer
Doug Jones
Natali H. Miller
Gregg Strawbridge
Doug Wilson
Brent Harken
Jared Miller
Randy Booth |
Secondary Books—First Semester |
Gregg Strawbridge
G. Tyler Fischer
Doug Wilson
Doug Wilson
Doug Wilson
Doug Wilson
Doug Wilson
Jerrold W. Owen
Gregg Strawbridge
J. C. Evans |
Secondary Books—Second Semester |
Doug Wilson
Doug Wilson
William S. Dawson
William S. Dawson
Doug Wilson
Bruce Etter
Bruce Etter
Deborah Erb
O. Woelke Leithart
G. Tyler Fischer |
* As all seven Chronicles of Narnia books are used (and the guide doesn't reference page numbers for them), it doesn't matter which version of the books you use. Here are the boxed sets we offer:
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