Vast Horizons

Vast Horizons

by Mary Seymour Lucas, Charles B. Falls (Illustrator)
Publisher: Viking Press
©1943, Item: 92906
Hardcover, 291 pages
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A stirring company of heroes awaits you here. Marco Polo, famous Venetian traveler, who told tales of the pomp and splendor of Kublai Khan's court and rumors of Prester John, a mysterious Christian prince who lived in the East. Henry the Navigator, who courageously broke loose from superstitious fear of monsters in the sea of darkness. Bartolomeu Dias. Vasco da Gama. Seamen. Crusaders. Explorers. Adventurers. And what brings these stalwart men together between the covers of the same book? All followed the same quest: the search for the trade routes leading to India, Cathay, and the mysterious Spice Islands that lay in the distant, almost mythical Eastern Sea. How each fared on his separate path is told for you in these exciting pages. And sea lanes in all oceans will become real for you with these true adventures.

A Guild Book: This book has been chosen for young people by Helen Ferris, Angelo Patri, Mrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt, and Mrs. Sidonie M. Gruenberg as an outstanding publication of the month for older readers (C Group).

from the dust jacket

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