Usborne Illustrated Guide to Greek Myths and Legends

Usborne Illustrated Guide to Greek Myths and Legends

by Rodney Matthews (Illustrator)
Publisher: Usborne
Perfectbound, 63 pages
Used Price: $5.00 (1 in stock) Condition Policy

From the back of the book:


This superbly-illustrated reference guide to the Greek myths and legends is the first in a series on world mythology. It includes brief outlines of all the most famous stories, brought to life with pictures by artists including Rodney Matthews.

The book features a densely-packed Who's Who-over 200 entries provide vital information on the family, career, personality and supernatural attributes of the Greek gods, heroes and monsters.

This book is a thrilling introduction to the characters and adventures that make up the Greek myths, and can be used, in particular, as a source of inspiration for role-playing gamers.

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