Usborne First Guide to the Universe

Usborne First Guide to the Universe

by Jane Chisholm
Publisher: Usborne
Hardcover, 72 pages
Current Retail Price: $12.95
Used Price: $7.50 (3 in stock) Condition Policy

This book explains some of the fascinating mysteries of the Universe for the younger reader. Written in clear, simple language and with bright colorful illustrations, this book is perfect for any child interested in space and spaceflight.

One section looks at our own planet Earth, explaining such things as why it gets dark at night, why we have weather and what is under the ground. Another section looks at our part of the Universe—the Sun, the Moon and the planets—and the stars and galaxies of outer space. This book also talks about space travel, explaining how rockets work, what satellites do, the Apollo Moon missions and the future in space. The material in this book is also available as three separate titles: Our Earth, Rockets and Spaceflight and Sun, Moon and Planets.

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