Twenty-One Balloons - MP Student Guide

Twenty-One Balloons - MP Student Guide

by Mary Lynn Ross, William Pene du Bois
Publisher: Memoria Press
Trade Paperback, 48 pages
Price: $13.95
Used Price: $8.00 (1 in stock) Condition Policy

Children who are asked to read slightly above their comfort level will develop into superior readers. Reading requires an active, discriminating mind that is challenged to think, compare, and contrast. Our literature study guides train students to become active readers. They focus on vocabulary, spelling, comprehension, and composition skills. Little House in the Big Woods by Laura Ingalls Wilder is an autobiographical work telling the adventures of pioneer family life in the late 1800s. This study guide is coordinated with the edition published in 2004 by HarperTrophy. The answer key is included in Memoria Press' Second Grade Literature, Teacher Key.

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