Treasure Hunter

Treasure Hunter

The Story of Robert Louis Stevenson

by Isabel Proudfit, Hardie Gramatky (Illustrator)
Publisher: Julian Messner
©1939, Item: 95614
Hardcover, 206 pages
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Tusitala—the story-teller—the natives of Samoa called him lovingly. And, like them, three generations of readers have fallen under the spell of the stories and poems woven by the lean young Scot who was as much at home in the bright islands of the Pacific as he was in the historic gray streets of his native Edinburgh. If Long John Silver and David Balfour are imperishable symbols of romance to thousands of boys and girls, it is because the life of their creator was, in its way, just as romantic, spent recklessly in gallant defiance of tradition and ill-health.

Here is the story of that life—from Stevenson's placid, delicate childhood, through the rebellious days at the university. Here he found his companions among the inns and streets of Edinburgh rather than in the staid parties at his father’s house. Then came the years in which he sought health and found adventure in France, in a California mining camp, on a South Sea cruise, and finally arrived at a period of complete happiness and fulfillment among the friendly people of Samoa.

The story has been told for adults, but this is the first life of Stevenson for young people which has appeared in nearly twenty-five years. Isabel Proudfit, author of the memorable "The Ugly Duckling," has culled her material from many sources: the baby-book which his mother kept during the first six years of his life; the diary of his nurse; his own writings; the Stevenson Museum in Edinburgh. She has woven them into a book in which those who know his writings will trace with pleasure the origins of his work. In his impressions and experiences they will discover for themselves they gay, courageous personality which caught and held the imagination and affection of his contemporaries.

—from the dust jacket

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