Traditional Logic I (old)

Traditional Logic I (old)

Introduction to Formal Logic

by Martin Cothran
Publisher: Memoria Press
Consumable Workbook, 144 pages
Current Retail Price: $29.95
Used Price: $9.00 (2 in stock) Condition Policy

This is an in-depth study of the classical syllogism, one of the branches of deductive reasoning. Along with a basic understanding of the Christian theory of knowledge, it presents the four kinds of logical statements, the four ways propositions can be opposed, the three ways in which they can be equivalent and the seven rules for the validity of syllogisms.

Mr. Cothran teaches traditional Aristotelian logic as it was taught a few centuries ago, before many of the developments of the past few centuries, and in this way he does an excellent job. He does not teach modern practical innovations like Venn diagrams and testing syllogisms (which are useful), and he omits teaching logical fallacies. (These can be filled in with other books.)

He also does a good job of dividing his text into daily lessons with usable exercises, although sometimes his explanations of concepts are confusing.

Use as a one-semester or one year course. Non-consumable.

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