Tops: Building and Experimenting with Spinning Toys

Tops: Building and Experimenting with Spinning Toys

Boston Children's Museum Activity Book
by Bernie Zubrowski, Roy Doty (Illustrator)
Publisher: Morrow Eagle
Library Binding, 96 pages
Used Price: $12.00 (1 in stock) Condition Policy

From the dust jacket:

There is something magical about the movement of rotating toys–a top balancing itself while spinning madly around; a yo-yo falling toward the ground, then suddenly rolling back up again. Spinning toys are fascinating to watch and challenging to operate.

With this fun-filled science activity book, you can make your own rotating toys. There are step-by-step instructions for assembling a variety of tops, yo-yos, and other spinning toys-all from inexpensive, around-the-house materials. Then, using these models, you can perform over fifty engrossing experiments that will help you discover how and why these and other spinning objects–such as gyroscopes and the earth itself–work.

If you are curious about the world around you, or would just like hours of action-packed entertainment, Tops is the book for you.

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