Tom Swift and His Outpost in Space

Tom Swift and His Outpost in Space

Tom Swift Jr. #6
by Victor Appleton, J. Graham Kaye (Illustrator)
Publisher: Grosset & Dunlap
©1955, Item: 95464
Hardcover, 210 pages
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A space station 22,300 miles above the earth is Tom Swift Jr.'s latest project!

Tom's plans for his gigantic hub-and-spoke outpost of the universe calls for twelve laboratories. Solar batteries will be produced in one laboratory, another will be a celestial observatory, and another a radio broadcasting and TV station relaying programs over one third of the earth.

But the project is beset from the start by a fiendish enemy, and also that weird phantom of outer space, Zero Gravity.

Tom comes to grips with the problem of weightlessness by inventing a Zero chamber. Here, in order to master the helpless feeling encountered in space, men are trained to develop a new set of muscular reflexes. Crewmen crawling like flies up and down the walls and across the ceiling of Zero G creates momentary comic relief.

But this is only a prelude to an exciting drama which takes place on a Pacific island, where Tom's rocket fleet is about to blast off. Strange warnings that terrify the natives nearly wreck Tom's plans. How the young scientist overcomes all obstacles and launches his space station makes a gripping book. And each technical detail of this fascinating story has been carefully checked. For those who enjoy the thrill of adventure and the chill of mystery, Outpost In Space is must reading. 


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