Tom Corbett: On the Trail of the Space Pirates

Tom Corbett: On the Trail of the Space Pirates

Tom Corbett Space Cadet #03
by Carey Rockwell, Willy Ley (Technical Advisor), Louis S. Glanzman (Illustrator)
Publisher: Grosset & Dunlap
©1953, Item: 48170
Hardcover, 211 pages
Used Price: $10.00 (2 in stock) Condition Policy

PIRATE stories are exciting enough, but a tale of piracy in the vast interplanetary spaces is a thousand times more thrilling than any story of the high seas or the Spanish Main.

This is the story of how Bull Coxine and his crew of cutthroat pirates came within an ace of taking control of the space lanes by threatening to destroy the great Solar Alliance, and how Tom Corbett and his two pals, Roger Manning and Astro of the Polaris unit, helped to foil the giant buccaneer's desperate scheme.

It all began at the Venusport Exposition whither the three cadets under the command of Captain Strong had been ordered. to exhibit the Polaris. There some suspicious events took place which sent the Polaris unit to the prison asteroid just in time to be caught in the pirates' sneak attack which resulted in the freeing of Bull Coxine and all of the prisoners. For a period the freebooters roamed the space lanes at will capturing ships and pillaging ports while the cruisers of the Solar Alliance hunted for them in vain.

The final battle in which the pirate fleet and the combined forces of the Alliance fought it out to a finish, finds the three cadets taking an important part in the struggle which culminates in the capture of Bull Coxine.

"These Tom Corbett stories keep getting more and more exciting!" writes a young reader. If you thought the first two were exciting, just wait until you read this one!

from the dust jacket 

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