To A Thousand Generations

To A Thousand Generations

Infant Baptism: Covenant Mercy for the People of God

by Douglas Wilson
Publisher: Canon Press
Trade Paperback, 123 pages
List Price: $10.00 Sale Price: $8.50

The debate over infant baptism should begin where the problem does—with the children. The issue of baptism operates against the backdrop of the divine promises to Christian parents. Only after we understand parenthood can we properly turn to a discussion of covenantal baptism. Between the testaments we find total and complete continuity on the subject of Godly parenting.

This book aims to offer a fresh approach to the discussion, avoiding arguments that merely show infant baptism to be consistent with Scripture. Such a task requires an approach that begins with shared premises of parenting.

Table of Contents:


  1. Children of Believers as Members of the Kingdom
  2. Moses was a Christian
  3. Circumcision and the Heart
  4. Application to Baptism
  5. Water and Spirit
  6. Circumcision in the New Covenant
  7. The Olive Tree
  8. Father Abraham
  9. The Mode of Baptism
  10. Exclusive Immersion?
  11. The Everlasting Covenant: A Summary
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