Tintin in the Congo

Tintin in the Congo

Adventures of Tintin
by Herge
Publisher: Casterman Editions
2016 Printing, ©2005, ISBN: 9782203096509
Hardcover, 61 pages
Price: $35.00

Hergé's second book, Tintin in the Congo, is not typically available in English in the United States, at least not in this color edition; and that's because it is really not up-to-par with his later adventures. The story, in which the boy reporter heads to the heart of Africa with his faithful companion, Snowy, has a rambling plot full of close calls and and antagonists with no clear reason to hate on Tintin. But beyond the goofy story, many modern readers will find this particular story irritating and extremely politically incorrect. Tintin's safari finds him shooting or abusing nearly any animal in sight and acting very superior to the natives in Africa, who are portrayed as apish & buffoonish.  

I'm an avid Tintin fan and understand that Herge was not by nature racist; his books were a product of their time. I'm generally averse to cancel culture, but I get why the publishers no longer make this one available. However, I do have a copy of this book and understand that other fans will also likely want to own this rare Tintin title. 

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