Time Traveler Book of Pharaohs and Pyramids

Time Traveler Book of Pharaohs and Pyramids

by Tony Allan, Philippa Wingate
Publisher: Usborne
2nd Edition, ©1997, ISBN: 9780746030691
Trade Paperback, 32 pages
Current Retail Price: $6.95
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Put on your magic time travel helmet and you will be whisked back to Ancient Egypt during the New Kingdom, the most prosperous and powerful period of Egyptian history. Through the adventures of a wealthy landowner named Nakht and his family, you will find out exactly what everyday life was like. You will sail down the Nile River, enjoy a feast, visit a temple, and march into battle with Pharaoh's army. You will even find out how the pyramids were built and hieroglyphs worked.

Please note that this is one of four books that are now published together in Usborne Time Traveler.

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