Throw Stone

Throw Stone

The First American Boy

by Edwin Sayles, Mary Stevens, Barton Wright (illustrator)
Publisher: Reilly & Lee Co.
©1960, Item: 88333
Hardcover, 142 pages
Used Price: $8.00 (1 in stock) Condition Policy

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"The decision is made. We will leave our homes and make new ones far away to the south where the animals live."

With the Grandfather's words, Throw Stone and his family begin to prepare for one of the most amazing journeys ever taken a journey made 25,000 years ago. Because of the increasingly bitter cold of the Ice Age, the animals who were the food of these Arctic dwellers were moving south, and the people faced the choice of either following them into the wild uncharted land we now call America or starving! They take up the challenge of the journey, and the "Land Where the Sun Lives" is finally reached, but not until many days and many adventures are behind them.

The facts on which the story is based have been drawn from archaeology, geology, and other fields which have been for the authors areas of careful scientific research. But the story which Dr. Sayles and Mrs. Stevens have written is an exciting and compelling adventure, undertaken by warm, living people who arouse every sympathy and concern. Barton Wright, the gifted illustrator, brings the episodes vividly to life in his many pictures, which include de- tailed drawings of this remote and fascinating era in our human history.

– From the dust jacket

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