Through Stress and Strain

Through Stress and Strain

A Story of the Huguenot Persecution

Emma Leslie Junior Church History Series
by Emma Leslie
Publisher: Salem Ridge Press
Trade Paperback, 149 pages
List Price: $12.95 Sale Price: $11.01

Historical Setting: France in 1666-1685 A.D.

These are difficult times for the Huguenots in France when Jules Marot comes to visit his brother's family and brings bad news about their young son, Jacques. Huguenot schools and churches are being torn down and these faithful Christians are forbidden to gather for services. The Marot family watches in dismay as many families who were once fervent in the faith give in to the pressure to convert to the "king's religion." As the persecution intensifies, can the whole Marot family, including their sons, Jacques and Francois, learn to trust God more than ever before?

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