Three R's

Three R's

by Ruth Beechick
Publisher: Arrow Press
Trade Paperback
Price: $12.00
Used Price: $7.00 (2 in stock) Condition Policy

Homeschooling is often overwhelming to newcomers because of all the educational theory that gets thrown at them. Dr. Ruth Beechick recognizes the value of simple guidance, and in The Three R's helps parents teach their K-3 students in the fundamentals of reading, writing and math. Originally three booklets (one for each subject), this single-volume edition retains all the original content in an easy-to-use format.

Beechick proposes a natural learning method, in which facts and ideas are presented in the right order. A lot of education goes awry when teachers put abstract ideas before facts. When teaching numbers, for instance, numerals are often introduced before kids learn how much "three" or "four" is; or in writing, they're encouraged to be creative before they know enough about paragraph structure to compose competently on their own.

Not that creativity is completely out of the picture—Beechick encourages to find moments to teach whenever they arise, whether at the dinner table, while playing in the yard, or on a drive to the post office. She offers plenty of her own ideas, as well as ways to come up with your own. The real strength of this book is the concrete approach of the author, as opposed to the abstract methods so often presented by others.

For each of the three foundational subjects, parents are given an overview of what needs to be taught and how to teach it, followed by specific suggestions for implementation by grade (K-3). You don't really need to go much further than this book for these initial grades, since students who master the basics are in a much better position to proceed to more diverse learning. A quick and easy read, this is a must for parents beginning to teach young children.

This book is a compilation of three booklets:

Review by C. Hollis Crossman
C. Hollis Crossman used to be a child. Now he's a husband and father who loves church, good food, and weird stuff. He might be a mythical creature, but he's definitely not a centaur. Read more of his reviews here.
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Summary: Invaluable guide to teaching young children utilizing Beechick's proven natural instruction method.

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  The Three R's
Albanyaloe of South Africa, 10/10/2011
An excellent resource for homeschool parents of children in K-3. Ruth Beechick is pro-homeschooling and tells you how to do it in her simple no-nonsense style.

This book is not long, but filled with useful information. Her tips for math, reading and writing are widely used and work. Ms Beechick does not require you to buy expensive curriculum and insists that one can easily homeschool with homemade items in these early grades.

You'll find Grade level requirements for the 3 subjects and ideas for teaching the concepts. Simplify- the Ruth Beechick's way.