Thoughts for Young Men

Thoughts for Young Men

by John Charles Ryle, Douglas W. Phillips (Editor)
Publisher: Vision Forum
Trade Paperback, 101 pages
List Price: $8.00 Our Price: $4.50
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"Likewise, exhort the young men to be sober-minded."
Titus 2:6
"There are few young men anywhere who seem to think on eternal things. I speak without respect of persons; I say it of all. High or low, rich or poor, gentle or simple, learned or unlearned, in town or in country; it makes no matter. I tremble to observe how few young men are led by the Spirit—how few are in that narrow way which leads to life—how few are setting their affections upon things above—how few are taking up the cross, and following Christ. I say it with all sorrow, but I believe, as in God's sight, I am saying nothing more than the truth. Young men, you form a large and most important class; and in what condition are your immortal souls?"J. C. Ryle

Table of Contents:

    Forward by Doug Phillips
    Author's Introduction

    Reasons for Exhorting Young Men
    General Councils to Young Men
    Special Rules For Young Men

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