Cobblestone Magazine: Thomas Jefferson
from Cobblestone Publishing
for 4th-8th grade
$1.25 (1 in stock)
Dawn in the Trees
by Leonard Wibberley
from Ariel Books
for 9th-12th grade
Gales of Spring
by Leonard Wibberley
from Ariel Books
for 9th-12th grade
Journey to Monticello
Adventures in Colonial America
by James Knight
from Troll Publishing
for Kindergarten-3rd grade
in New Nation (1783-1801)
(Location: HISA-18NN)
$3.00 (1 in stock)
Journey to Monticello
Adventures in Colonial America
by James E. Knight
from Troll Communications
for 1st-4th grade
Lost World of Thomas Jefferson
by Daniel J. Boorstin
Reprint Edition
from Beacon Press
for 9th-Adult
Meet Thomas Jefferson
Second Series Landmark / Step Up reprints
by Marvin Barrett
from Random House
for 3rd-6th grade
in Biographies
(Location: BIO)
$3.00 (1 in stock)
Meet Thomas Jefferson
by Marvin Barrett
from Random House
for Preschool-3rd grade
in Biographies
(Location: BIO)
$1.50 (3 in stock)
Meet Thomas Jefferson
by Marvin Barrett
from Random House
for 3rd-6th grade
in Step Up Books
(Location: VIN-STEP)
Picture Book of Thomas Jefferson
by David A. Adler, John C. Wallner
from Holiday House
for 1st-3rd grade
in Biographies
(Location: BIO)
Story of Monticello
Cornerstones of Freedom
by Norman Richards
from Children's Press
for 4th-6th Grade
in Cornerstones of Freedom
(Location: VIN-CORN)
Story of Monticello
Cornerstones of Freedom
by Norman Richards, Illustrated by Chuck Mitchell
from Children's Press
for 4th-6th Grade
in Cornerstones of Freedom
(Location: VIN-CORN)
$4.00 (1 in stock)
Story of Thomas Jefferson
Grosset & Dunlap Signature #36
by Earl Schenck Miers, illustrated by Reynold Pollak
from Grosset & Dunlap
for 5th-9th grade
Thomas Jefferson
Weekly Reader Heroes of the Revolution
by Susan & John Lee
from Children's Press
for 2nd-6th grade
in Biographies
(Location: BIO)
$4.00 (1 in stock)
Thomas Jefferson
by James Cross Giblin
from Scholastic Inc.
for Preschool-3rd grade
in Biographies
(Location: BIO)
$6.00 (1 in stock)
Thomas Jefferson
A Discovery Book
by Anne Colver, illustrated by Cary
from Garrard Publishing Company
for 1st-3rd grade
Thomas Jefferson
by Cheryl Harness
from National Geographic
for 3rd-6th grade
in Biographies
(Location: BIO)
$4.50 (1 in stock)
Thomas Jefferson
by Gene Lisitzky
from E.M. Hale and Company
for 6th-10th grade
Thomas Jefferson
North Star Books #36
by John Dos Passos
from Houghton Mifflin
for 5th-8th grade
Thomas Jefferson: Father of Democracy
Landmark #36
by Vincent Sheean
from Random House
for 5th-9th grade
in American Landmark Books
(Location: VIN-LAND)
Thomas Jefferson: Third President of the United States
Childhood of Famous Americans
by Helen Albee Monsell
1989 Reprint
from Aladdin Paperbacks
for 3rd-6th grade
Time of the Harvest
by Leonard Wibberley
from Ariel Books
for 9th-12th grade
Young Man from the Piedmont
Thomas Jefferson #1
by Leonard Wibberley
from Ariel Books
for 9th-12th grade
Young Thomas Jefferson
by Francene Sabin
from Troll Publishing
Picture Book Biography
for 4th-6th grade
in Biographies
(Location: BIO)
$2.50 (1 in stock)