This Was John Calvin

This Was John Calvin

by Thea Van Halsema
Publisher: IDEA Ministries
©1959, Item: 2239
Trade Paperback, 221 pages
List Price: $9.95 Our Price: $8.00
Used Price: $5.00 (3 in stock) Condition Policy

Historical Setting: Switzerland, 1509-1564 A.D.

John Calvin comes alive as the author brings imagination as well as research to bear upon her subject. Her portrayal of the Genevan reformer is at once appealing and honest.

From this account, Calvin for the reader will no longer be merely "carved like a monument in the panorama of history" but will become as vivid and real as a living human being. As fascinating as fiction but true in all its aspects and detail, this life story of John Calvin is biography at its best.

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