The Journey

The Journey

by Sarah Stewart, David Small (Illustrator)
Publisher: Sunburst Book
Trade Paperback
List Price: $8.99 Sale Price: $7.64

From a great art museum full of colorful wonders to a fascinating aquarium full of tropical fish, from a New York dress shop full of strange clothing to a great cathedral, this book, written by a husband and wife team, charmingly depicts the journey of a little Amish girl from her quiet home to her adventures in the big city.

Review by Hadley Payne (nee Ayers)
Hadley was an exemplary employee at Exodus for several years. Full of life and laughter, she is an avid reader who loves both classics and popular literature. Her reviews are clear, helpful and often witty. Check more of them out here.

Review by Hadley Payne (née Ayers)
Hadley Ayers was an exemplary employee at Exodus for several years. Full of life and laughter, she is an avid reader who loves both classics and popular literature. Her reviews are clear, helpful and often witty. Check more of them out here.
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