Thanksgiving Story

Thanksgiving Story

by Alice Dalgliesh, Helen Sewell (Illustrator)
©1954, Item: 93335
Library Rebind, 31 pages
Used Price: $4.50 (1 in stock) Condition Policy

The books in this section are usually hardcover and in decent condition, though we'll sometimes offer hard-to-find books in lesser condition at a reduced price. Though we often put images of the book with their original dust jackets, the copies here won't always (or even often) have them. If that is important to you, please call ahead or say so in the order comments! 

The Thanksgiving Story "is the only really distinguished book we have on that holiday. Miss Dalgliesh has told the Pilgrim story simply from the point of view of the Hopkins family whose little Oceanus was born on the Mayflower; and Miss Sewell has made wonderful full-color pictures. A beautiful book."
Horn Book

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