Teaching Textbooks Math 4 - Workbook & Answer Key

Teaching Textbooks Math 4 - Workbook & Answer Key

Publisher: Teaching Textbooks
Item: 42963
Used Price: $35.00 (1 in stock) Condition Policy

The Math 4 Teaching Textbook is a full-year curriculum designed for the typical 4th grader or an academically-advanced 3rd grader. The product includes a 669-page consumable workbook, a print answer booklet, and 4 CDs that contain step-by-step audiovisual solutions to every one of the thousands of homework and test problems. Topics covered include operations with whole numbers, fractions, and decimals, simple geometry concepts, units of measure, and percents. The Math 4 also has a digital gradebook that grades answers as soon as they are entered and calculates percentages for each assignment.

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