Teach Them Diligently

Teach Them Diligently

How to Use the Scriptures in Child Training

by Lou Priolo
Publisher: Timeless Texts
Trade Paperback, 160 pages
List Price: $14.00 Our Price: $12.00
Used Price: $8.00 (4 in stock) Condition Policy

So many books—so little Scripture

The bookshelves in your home no doubt contain volumes of books, manuals, seminar notes, magazine articles, and video and audio cassettes purporting to address parenting from a Christian point of view. With rare exception, however, most of today's Christian parenting resources fail to emphasize what is perhaps the most important aspect of true biblical parenting—how to relate the Bible to the disciplinary process in practical ways. Think about it. With all of your training, do you really know how to use the Bible for doctrine, reproof, correction, and instruction in righteousness with your children? If you do, read no further. If you don't, this little book will augment and strengthen your parenting skills as you learn how to use the Scriptures more thoroughly and effectively in your child training.

Table of Contents:

    Author's Note

  1. The Scriptures and Your Children
  2. Teaching the Scriptures
  3. Convicting With the Scriptures
  4. Correcting With the Scriptures
  5. Training With the Scriptures
  6. The Rod and Reproof
  7. Learning to Use Life's Instruction Manual

    Appendix A: Scripture Texts for Child Training
    Appendix B: Questions That Help Bring Conviction
    Appendix C: Projects in Proverbs
    Appendix D: The Fallacy of Humanism
    Appendix E: A Word to Wives
    Appendix F: Selective Bibliography of Resources
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  Well Worth Your Time
HappyHomemaker of Oregon, 9/26/2011
I love how Mr. Priolo makes it look possible to regularly use the scriptures in child-training. After all, where do we get our principles, anyway? But it always seemed impossible to have all the verses memorized for every situation a parent runs into.
I highly recommend Teach Them Diligently.