Tasha Tudor

Tasha Tudor

Born to parents Rosamond Tudor and William Starling Burgess, both from families who knew wealth and influence, Tudor entered the world on August 28, 1915. Her birth was planned and deliberate under sad and devastating conditions. Rosamond and William had previously scandalized Boston society by engaging in an affair. William's first wife had committed suicide, and Rosamond decided to divorce her husband, a close friend of William's by whom she had a son. After the drama, shock, and gossip quieted down and the bitter divorce was finalized, Rosamond and William married and had two sons.

Rosamond gained acclaim for her stunning ability to paint portraits, while William focused his attention on yacht design as a profession and aided the advancements of aviation. It was on William's boat that son Edward fell off and drowned, leaving his parents feeling responsible and guilty. This death eventually led to their divorce. But before they became irreconcilable, they decided to have another child to replace the one they lost, preferably a son. When Tudor was born, she was named Starling Burgess, after her father. He shortly then rechristened her to Natasha, for his favorite heroine in Leo Tolstoy's War and Peace. She was nicknamed Tasha.

The family lived together in Boston until Rosamond and William divorced. Rosamond determined to return to her artwork and moved to New York City. Deeming Greenwich Village an inappropriate place to raise a child, she left Tudor in the care of friends in Redding, Connecticut. Thus, at the age of nine, Tudor fell into a bohemian, creative, artistic, unconventional environment and loved it. Gone were the formalities and the stilted, reserved atmosphere of Boston. In Connecticut Tudor developed a love of the theater, dance, and nature, hoping to one day own a farm herself. Her creativity spilled out as she lived with the Mikkelson family.

Of her father Tudor saw very little. Though she tended to idealize his actions and behavior, her father suffered from a gastric ulcer, leaving him almost addicted to morphine. He had affairs, marriages, divorces, bouts of depression, suicidal tendencies, and problems with money. Tudor saw her mother more frequently, visiting her studio, traveling to Bermuda with her in the winters, and enjoying summers on a farm in Redding that Rosamond had bought. All in all, neither parent consistently raised their daughter, and Tudor often did as she pleased.

Tudor spent time with her grandmother in Boston, attended Spring Hill School, and drew numerous pictures. Though she spent a year at the Boston Museum School, Tudor gained more insight from watching her mother's style and techniques. It was while in New York that Tudor hit upon changing her name. Because her mother's friends always introduced her as Rosamond Tudor's daughter, people assumed her last name was Tudor. Liking the sound of it, Tudor quit using her last name and began calling herself Tasha Tudor. She later legalized the name change.

While still a teenager, Tudor took her illustrations and added words to create several unpublished books. She had already decided to be an illustrator, and so she practiced the skills she would use in that career. Her other dream was to be in the country, living a simple and unpretentious lifestyle. Starting her own daycare to earn money, Tudor wanted a cow as a start on her future. When her uncle surprised her with a cow, Tudor was able to put her savings aside for later. She also benefited from an inheritance that gave her furniture, heirlooms, and kitchen items.

At age twenty, she met and later married Thomas McCready, Jr. He encouraged her love of illustrating by suggesting she create a portfolio. Though publishers rejected her initial work, her book Pumpkin Moonshine was later accepted. It was intended as a Christmas present for a niece, but it gave her the confidence to continue drawing as a profession. McCready also purchased a farmhouse in New Hampshire so Tudor could realize her dream of country living. They lived in an old-fashioned way, eschewing even running water and electricity until the youngest child of the four children was five years old. Tudor and the children learned to hand-wash their clothes, make bread, sew clothing, plant and tend a large garden, and spin and weave flax.

Keeping busy with the farm life, Tudor also illustrated books for other authors. She received the Caldecott Honor Award for her work on Mother Goose and another Caldecott Honor for her book 1 Is One. Her lifestyle influencing her career, Tudor drew for fairy tales, Christmas stories, Bible stories, and bedtime stories. In all she illustrated almost 100 books.

Years later, after divorcing her husband, Tudor bought land in Vermont, and her son Seth built her a house using only hand tools. Antiques filled the home, most of which she used in everyday life.

Tudor is perhaps most recognized for her story called Corgiville Fair based on her love for Corgi dogs. The positive response to the book encouraged her to pen other stories, including the 2003 book Corgiville Christmas. Tudor toured the country and gave talks wherever she went. Also a weaver, spinner, doll and doll house maker, and sewer, Tudor enjoyed the home arts as well as writing and drawing Christmas cards, Valentines, Advent calendars, and posters. Feisty, and full of life, Tudor lived into her early 90s, passing away on June 18, 2008.



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62 Items found
1 is One
by Tasha Tudor
from Little Simon
for Nursery-Preschool
1957 Caldecott Honor Book
in Board Books (Location: PIC-BOARD)
A is for Annabelle
by Tasha Tudor
from Aladdin Paperbacks
for Nursery-Preschool
in Alphabet & Counting Books (Location: PIC-ALPH)
All for Love
by Tasha Tudor, selected, edited and illustrated
from Simon and Schuster
Valentine's Day traditions for 3rd-Adult
in Holidays / Church Calendar (Location: HOLIDAY)
And It Was So
by Tasha Tudor
from Westminster Press
for Preschool-3rd grade
in Picture Books (Location: PICTURE)
Around the Year
by Tasha Tudor
Reprint from Aladdin Paperbacks
for Preschool-1st grade
in Picture Books (Location: PICTURE)
Around the Year
by Tasha Tudor
from Simon and Schuster
for Preschool-1st grade
in Picture Books (Location: PICTURE)
Becky's Birthday
by Tasha Tudor
from Viking Press
in Vintage Picture Books (Location: VIN-PIC)
Becky's Christmas
by Tasha Tudor
from Viking Press
for Kindergarten-3rd grade
in Vintage Picture Books (Location: VIN-PIC)
Betty Crocker's Kitchen Gardens
by Mary Mason Campbell, illustrated by Tasha Tudor
from Universal Publishing Inc.
for 9th-Adult
in Literary Cookbooks (Location: COOK-LIT)
Book of Christmas
by Tasha Tudor
Brite and Fair
by Henry A. Shute, illustrated by Tasha Tudor
in Vintage History & Biographies (Location: VIN-HIS)
Carrie's Gift
Child's Garden of Verses
by Robert Louis Stevenson, illustrated by Tasha Tudor
from Simon and Schuster
Poetry for 1st-5th grade
in Poetry for Children (Location: POET-CHIL)
$19.99 $14.50 (1 in stock)
Christmas Cat
by Efner Tudor Holmes, Tasha Tudor (Illustrator)
from HarperCollins
Realistic Animal Stories for Preschool-2nd grade
in Picture Books (Location: PICTURE)
Corgiville Christmas
by Tasha Tudor
1st edition from Front Street
for Kindergarten-2nd grade
in Vintage Picture Books (Location: VIN-PIC)
Corgiville Fair
by Tasha Tudor
in Vintage Picture Books (Location: VIN-PIC)
Doll's Christmas
by Tasha Tudor
from Simon and Schuster
for Preschool-2nd grade
in Picture Books (Location: PICTURE)
Doll's House
by Rumer Godden, illustrated by Tasha Tudor
from Puffin Books
for 3rd-6th grade
in Fantasy Fiction (Location: FIC-FAN)
Dolls' House
by Rumer Godden, illustrated by Tasha Tudor
from Puffin Books
for 3rd-6th grade
in Vintage Fiction & Literature (Location: VIN-FIC)
Drawn from New England: Tasha Tudor
by Bethany Tudor, with photographs and drawings by Tasha Tudor
from Philomel Books
for 5th-Adult
in Biographies (Location: BIO)
Fairy Tales from Hans Christian Andersen
by Hans Christian Andersen, illustrated by Tasha Tudor
from Henry Z. Walck, Inc.
in Vintage Fiction & Literature (Location: VIN-FIC)
First Graces
by Tasha Tudor
First Poems of Childhood
by Tasha Tudor
from Platt and Munk Publishers
for Nursery-3rd grade
in Poetry for Children (Location: POET-CHIL)
First Poems of Childhood
by Tasha Tudor (illustrator)
from Platt and Munk Publishers
for Nursery-2nd grade
in Vintage Picture Books (Location: VIN-PIC)
First Poems of Childhood
by Tasha Tudor
from Grosset & Dunlap
for Nursery-3rd grade
in Poetry for Children (Location: POET-CHIL)
First Prayers
by Tasha Tudor
Give Us This Day
by Tasha Tudor
Great Corgiville Kidnapping
by Tasha Tudor
from Little, Brown & Company
for Kindergarten-3rd grade
in Vintage Picture Books (Location: VIN-PIC)
Little Princess
by Frances Hodgson Burnett, illustrated by Tasha Tudor
from HarperCollins
for 4th-6th grade
in Realistic Fiction (Location: FIC-REA)
Little Princess
by Frances Hodgson Burnett, illustrated by Tasha Tudor
from HarperCollins
for 4th-6th grade
in Realistic Fiction (Location: FIC-REA)
Little Princess
by Frances Hodgson Burnett, illustrated by Tasha Tudor
from J.B. Lippincott Co.
for 3rd-8th grade
in Vintage Fiction & Literature (Location: VIN-FIC)
Little Women
by Louisa May Alcott, illustrated by Tasha Tudor
Realistic Romantic Fiction for 5th-8th grade
in Realistic Fiction (Location: FIC-REA)
Lord is My Shepherd
by Tasha Tudor
from Philomel Books
for Nursery-Kindergarten
in Picture Books (Location: PICTURE)
Mother Goose
by Tasha Tudor
from Random House Books for Young Readers
1945 Caldecott Honor Book
in Vintage Picture Books (Location: VIN-PIC)
My Brimful Book
by Dana Bruce (editor), illustrated by Tasha Tudor, Margot Austin, and Wesley Dennis
from Platt and Munk Publishers
for Nursery-2nd grade
in Vintage Picture Books (Location: VIN-PIC)
Night Before Christmas
by Clement C. Moore, illustrated by Tasha Tudor
from Little, Brown & Company
for Preschool-3rd grade
in Christmas & Advent (Location: HOLIDAY)
Night Before Christmas
by Clement C. Moore, illustrated by Tasha Tudor
from Checkerboard Press
for Preschool-3rd grade
in Picture Books (Location: PICTURE)
Night Before Christmas
by Clement C. Moore, illustrated by Tasha Tudor
from Little, Brown & Company
for Preschool-3rd grade
in Christmas & Advent (Location: HOLIDAY)
Platt & Munk Treasury of Stories for Children
by Nancy Christensen Hall, editor
from Grosset & Dunlap
for 1st-3rd grade
in Picture Book Treasuries (Location: PIC-TRE)
Private World of Tasha Tudor
by Tasha Tudor and Richard Brown
1st edition from Little, Brown & Company
for 8th-Adult
in Biographies (Location: BIO)
Pumpkin Moonshine
by Tasha Tudor
from Simon and Schuster
for Kindergarten-2nd grade
in Picture Books (Location: PICTURE)
Real Diary of a Real Boy
by Henry A. Shute, Illustrated by Tasha Tudor
for 3rd-6th grade
in Realistic Fiction (Location: FIC-REA)
Real Pretend
by Joan Donaldson, illustrated by Tasha Tudor
from Checkerboard Press
for Preschool-2nd grade
in Picture Books (Location: PICTURE)
Rosemary for Remembrance
by Tasha Tudor
Secret Garden
by Frances Hodgson Burnett, illustrated by Tasha Tudor
100th Anniversary Edition from HarperCollins
for 4th-6th grade
in Realistic Fiction (Location: FIC-REA)
Secret Garden
by Frances Hodgson Burnett, illustrated by Tasha Tudor
from HarperCollins
Realistic Fiction for 4th-9th grade
in Realistic Fiction (Location: FIC-REA)
Secret Garden
by Frances Hodgson Burnett, illustrated by Tasha Tudor
from HarperCollins
Realistic Fiction for 4th-9th grade
in Realistic Fiction (Location: FIC-REA)
Springs of Joy
by Tasha Tudor
Tasha Tudor Book of Fairy Tales
by Tasha Tudor
1st edition from Platt and Munk Publishers
for Preschool-2nd grade
in Picture Books (Location: PICTURE)
Tasha Tudor Christmas Book Take Joy!
by Tasha Tudor
from Philomel Books
for 4th-Adult
in Christmas & Advent (Location: HOLIDAY)
Tasha Tudor Cookbook
by Tasha Tudor
First Edition, 3rd Printing from Little, Brown & Company
for 5th-Adult
in Literary Cookbooks (Location: COOK-LIT)
Tasha Tudor's Bedtime Book
by Klimo, Tasha Tudor
from Grosset & Dunlap
for Preschool- 3rd Grade
in Picture Books (Location: PICTURE)
Tasha Tudor's Bedtime Book
by Tasha Tudor
5th edition from Platt and Munk Publishers
for Preschool-2nd grade
in Picture Books (Location: PICTURE)
Tasha Tudor's Fairy Tales
by Tasha Tudor
1st edition from Platt and Munk Publishers
for Preschool-2nd grade
in Picture Books (Location: PICTURE)
Tasha Tudor's Favorite Christmas Carols
by Tasha Tudor
in Christmas & Advent (Location: HOLIDAY)
Tasha Tudor's Favorite Stories
by Tasha Tudor
from J.B. Lippincott Co.
for 4th-8th grade
in Vintage Fiction & Literature (Location: VIN-FIC)
Tasha Tudor's Old-Fashioned Gifts
by Tasha Tudor
from David McKay Company
Tasha Tudor's Sampler
by Tasha Tudor
from David McKay Company
in Picture Books (Location: PICTURE)
Time to Keep
by Tasha Tudor
Reissue from Simon and Schuster
for Preschool-2nd grade
in Oversized Picture Books (Location: PIC-OVER)
Wind in the Willows
by Kenneth Grahame, illustrated by Tasha Tudor
from Collins
Humorous Animal Fantasy for 4th-8th grade
in Vintage Fiction & Literature (Location: VIN-FIC)
Wind in the Willows
Junior Deluxe Editions
by Kenneth Grahame, illustrated by Tasha Tudor
from Junior Deluxe Editions
Humorous Animal Fantasy for 4th-8th grade
in Vintage Fiction & Literature (Location: VIN-FIC)
Wings from the Wind
by Tasha Tudor