Taran Wanderer

Taran Wanderer

Prydain Chronicles #4
by Lloyd Alexander
Trade Paperback, 272 pages
List Price: $7.99 Sale Price: $6.79

Taran has been both Assistant Pig-Keeper and warrior, but his heart is troubled. Who are his parents? Where does he come from? In a quest to learn who he truly is, Taran travels Prydain seeking secrets long buried by time and silence.

Accompanied by his loyal friends, Taran begins his search. Maybe, if his parents are as noble as he hopes, Princess Eilonwy with the red-gold hair will think as often and as fondly of Taran as he finds himself thinking of her.

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Exodus Rating
Flaws: Violence
Summary: Taran goes on a quest to find the truth about his parents, and becomes a man in the process.

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