Taming of the Shrew

Taming of the Shrew

Dover Thrift Editions
by William Shakespeare
Publisher: Dover Publications
Mass market paperback, 86 pages
List Price: $4.00 Sale Price: $3.40
Used Price: $1.60 (1 in stock) Condition Policy

No Shakespeare play is quite as apologized for as Taming of the Shrew, with the obvious exception of Titus Andronicus. What is it about, really? Is it, as some have claimed, a sexist patriarchal proof text? Or is it really a deeply sarcastic commentary on misogynist culture in Shakespeare's time? Is Katharina really a shrew? Is Petruchio really a good man? And what's up with that ending speech?

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Exodus Rating:
FLAWS: Mild violence, Language, Attitude, Sexual content
Summary: Katharina is not a nice person, but Petruchio thinks she can be changed.

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