Sven's Bridge

Sven's Bridge

by Anita Lobel
Publisher: Greenwillow Books
Reprint, ©1992, ISBN: 9780688112523
Library Binding, 1 page
Current Retail Price: $14.00
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Sven, a drawbridge tender back in the days when kings could be captious, was the most popular and content of men. He took great pride in his job and did it well. However, he was not fast enough to suit the king who one day shot the bridge down when he wanted to get his ship through. Poetic justice is completely served when the same king's coach plunges into the river later that year at the exact spot where the bridge should have been. Sven's graciousness to the soaked king and his courtiers earns him another bridge to tend which is more durable and beautiful than the last.

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