Streams of Civilization Volume Two (old)

Streams of Civilization Volume Two (old)

by Robert G. Clouse, Richard V. Pierard, Garry Moes, 3 othersEric Bristley (Editor), Lars Johnson (Editor), Michael McHugh (Editor)
1st Edition, ©1995, ISBN: 9780915134458
Hardcover, 438 pages
Current Retail Price: $21.99
Used Price: $8.00 (1 in stock) Condition Policy

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Volume Two is as good as the first, but more challenging! This text begins where Volume One leaves off, giving a comprehensive overview of modern history (from the 1600's -1996). As well as offering vocabulary words like the first volume, this book also offers really good (and quite challenging) thought questions based on the text, other resources, and personal beliefs. Each chapter also includes a timeline, a listing of key terms, and recommended projects, as well as excellent illustrations and maps. As a text, we recommend this for 11th or 12th graders, but this can also be used as a reference book in the lower grades.

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