Strawberry Point

Strawberry Point

Vignettes of an Iowa Childhood

by Florence Roe Wiggins (Author)
©1967, Item: 74351
Hardcover, 185 pages
Used Price: $4.00 (1 in stock) Condition Policy

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Vignettes of an Iowa childhood at the turn of century.

In this appealing story of a gracious way of living that is almost forgotten today, the sturdy qualities exemplified in the lives of the men and women of Yesterday have been recalled and recorded with grace and warmth. Mrs. Wiggins has seen the Victorian age with its charm as well as its hardships give way before the fast-moving twentieth century.

With a bit of whimsey the author reminds us that the experience of Lot's wife taught us not to look back longingly to the "good old days" but she adds, "it does seem wisdom to prize the treasure that is our heritage and to incorporate it into our own lives."

Mrs. Wiggins has compiled a genealogy of over a hundred families, tracing them back into the early history of our country. Because of her research she has become convinced that the answers to Youth's questions today can be found in the lives not only of the Colonists but in the lives of their descendants down to the present century. She has made no effort to point out these answers in Strawberry Point but she assures us that they are there-written between the lines.

Strawberry Point was Mrs. Wiggins' home town and she has told its story in delightful vignettes, many of which have appeared as essays in The Christian Science Monitor, The Annals of Iowa and other publications. She describes this small Iowa town as it appeared to her at the turn of the century. Quietly self-sufficient, it went about its daily living, secure, serene and well supported by the fertile farms around it. We find true, home-spun Americana woven into the lives of the people who inhabit the pages of Strawberry Point.

—from the dust jacket

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